
En blogg om att vara utbytesstudent runt om i världen.

måndag 12 maj 2008

Never judge a book by its cover

"Never judge a book by its cover..." I think it’s safe to say many of us are taught this invaluable lesson from a very young age, and as you grow up you begin to understand that first impressions may mask what actually lies beneath.

While I was still in Vancouver, before moving to Sweden, as I announced to a good Swedish friend of mine my decision to do a year abroad in Uppsala, of all his advice one stood out to me: “Contrary to popular belief, Swedes are not cold Makele, their just a little shy at first… give them time.” So when I arrived, energetic and ready to settle in what was to be my new home, I came with the mentality that I would have to be prepared to really be patient in terms of forming friendships with Swedes, and not mistake their shyness for exclusiveness or the sorts. So I was pleasantly surprised when I arrived and discovered this was not to be the case…

Perhaps it is because Uppsala is such a student town, or perhaps it is the concept of the “nation,” a group of students all belonging to one “student house” in which you attend dinner parties, can play sports with, and get engaged in all sorts of activities. So from the very beginning, it was really easy to interact with Swedes, and each night that we would go out to these nations, you’d see many international students talking freely with Swedes about everything, life back home, the differences in how we party, and there was always a definite curiosity coming from both sides.
Since having arrived here in August, I’ve realized my Swedish friend in Canada did have a point; the Swedes that I have met have tended to be a little shy to begin with. But is has never been long-term. For instance when I joined a football team it really brought this to the surface, as all the girls were a friendly yet a little shy to begin with, but shortly after we were all playing the game laughing, joking around, and week in and out having a good time.

So although I’m grateful that my friend did share with me his friendly advice, I don’t think anyone who’s come here hasn’t caught on with the fact that while you will meet Swedes who tend to be a little quieter or lean on the shy side, it is only a matter of time before they warm up to you. Especially if you are open to meeting new people, the diversity of students studying here in Uppsala are a perfect example that reveal our generation’s curiosity about other people’s experiences, ways, and cultures… which can only bode well for our future.

Makele Saidi

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